Field Marketing

ST-Promotions is an expert in field marketing which consists of marketing activities that involve face-to-face contact.

Evolution of Field Marketing – New Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges

Field marketing has undergone significant changes in recent years – and we strongly believe that this transformation will accelerate in the future. While traditional promotion activities such as tastings and samplings remain highly effective, the evolving customer structure also requires new approaches and ideas. Digitalization, sustainability, and personalized experiences are at the core of successful ….. read more

Understanding the importance of Shopper Marketing in a digitalised World

In today’s digitalised world, where online shopping has become the norm, brands face the challenge of effectively connecting with potential shoppers amidst the increasing amount of commercial digital noise. This is where shopper marketing plays a significant role. Shopper marketing is the practice of creating incentives to introduce consumers to brands and influence their consumer ….. read more

Triggering an impulse-buy with shopper marketing

When launching or relaunching a product, many manufacturers quickly learn about the barriers and the power of retail. To achieve a successful balance for both the manufacturer’s vision and the retailer’s expectations, ideally the approach of shopper marketing should be used. Shopper marketing aims to implement strategies at the point of sale (POS) using proven ….. read more

ST-PROMOTIONS expands its team

It is with great pleasure that we welcome two new members to our Hamburg office: Hamide Besimi and Viktor Fasel. Ms. Besimi and Mr. Fasel are now available to advise our customers as project assistants. We will introduce our new employees personally on our team page. The entire team of ST-PROMOTIONS is looking forward to ….. read more

Shopper Marketing 2.0 in Europe

The pandemic affected virtually all areas of our lives and forced many market participants to accept changes in consumer behaviour. Now the question for marketers is whether the old habits will finally disappear with the end of the pandemic. We have always been able to observe that consumer behaviour has strong dependencies on place and ….. read more

The return of customers to retail

Retailers play a key role in creating a friendly and safe shopping experience towards the consumers. This is particularly the case after the government-imposed closures. In order to make shopping enjoyable to consumers, shopper marketing will take a central role in attracting consumers back into stores. Shopping must now become a leisure experience that takes ….. read more

Nationwide instore promotional campaigns with ergobag

The nationwide ergobag sales promotion started, our brand ambassadors supported consumers in finding the right satchel for the new school year. We are very happy that we were able to support our client with these shopper marketing activities to achieve a sustainable selling effect by explaining the advantages of these very functional and well thought ….. read more